NIEVEN has a preference for natural materials and geometric shapes. Our objects are abstract-figurative and stand in the tradition of modernism. They have a clear language of form combined with an individual expression. We refrain from purely decorative elements and value the reference to art.

NIEVEN products appear elegant in a self-evident way and integrate into the most diverse furnishing styles. Their design has a functional and an emotional value. It appeals to the senses and is designed to give pleasure for more than one generation.

We prefer to have our objects manufactured in Germany, in small runs. For product planning and production, we are in close contact with experienced partners from family businesses and manufactories who value our objects and realize them with high quality standards.

Where it makes sense to rely on local knowledge, we work together with manufacturers in other European countries. For example, we source the marble for our products directly from Italy.

We could also say we love class instead of mass—that sounds a bit trite, but when you think about it, the idea is more relevant today than ever.

The founder and creative head of NIEVEN is Jörg Adam, who has been working as a product designer in Berlin for national and international clients since 1998 and runs the label SIEBENSACHEN BY ADAM + HARBORTH together with Dominik Harborth.

The NIEVEN collection is available since November 2022.